Find out why so many people in Port Saint Lucie turn to Future School of Jiu-Jitsu for their martial arts training. Parents just like you have discovered how to maximize their child’s potential and accelerate their development!
Who We Are and Why You Should Train at Future School of Jiu Jitsu
We are a family dedicate to support you as a member of our family! Since we have opened, we’ve been dedicated to changing the lives, one person at a time, through Jiu Jitsu, education, respect, discipline and coaching. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for all students and family members. We take pride in creating an environment for individuals to achieve, develop and succeed in their personal goals.
Your Journey Begins Here...
While other gyms are looking to add students to their classes we are looking to add members to our family. Our concern with our students lies far beyond just their performance on the mats.
Whether it’s your first time on the mats or you’re a seasoned veteran, you will find Future School of Jiu-Jitsu to be more than just a great place to train you will see a family dedicated to helping you grow into the person you want to become. Here at Future School of Jiu Jitsu, we know that the individual is more important than any style or technique. We also understand that not everyone shows up to a Martial Arts school with the same goals in mind.

Our main concern is LISTENING and LEARNING from you FIRST. We want to understand what you aim to achieve & who you are as an individual so that we may best help you develop into who you want to become on AND off the mat.
Future school of Jiu-Jitsu is Port St. Lucies #1 training facility for Jiu Jitsu and the grappling arts (aka Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu) located at 820 SE Becker Rd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 and 5457 NW St James Dr Suite B-8 Port St. Lucie, FL 34983.
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What is Jiu-Jitsu?
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling-based martial art whose central theme is the skill of controlling a resisting opponent in ways that force him to submit. Due to the fact that control is generally easier on the ground than in a standing position, much of the technique of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is centered round the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for dominant control positions from where the opponent can be rendered harmless.

What People Are Saying
Future school of Jiujitsu is the real deal!! We signed up my children, ages 8 and 5, and it has completely changed their demeanor. My daughter struggled with confidence and she shines now! My son struggles with self-control and respect and this is exactly what he needs to thrive! They are learning self defense but it’s so much more than that. Thaisio and his family genuinely love what they do! They are patient, kind, knowledgeable, and fun. I wouldn’t think of bringing my family anywhere else.

I started training at Future School of Jiu Jitsu in October of this year. Having trained for the past 3 years overall, Future School of Jiu Jitsu is one of the best schools I have been a part of. Professor Thaisio and his son Igor are outstanding practitioners and his wife and daughter – Amanda and Iris – are also part of the school.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and I highly recommend it. It is truly a family and a great place from Jiu Jitsu practitioners of all ages.

If you have a child with special needs this is the best place to go if you are interested in introducing them to Jiu Jitsu.. We have a 16yo son with autism and we were looking for a place he could go that would accept him and give him the chance to do this and this place did. My son loves it and we are beyond excited for him to learn more. Thaisio is such a great and patient teacher and he really has given our son such an amazing experience. If anyone else has a child with special needs we do the 5pm class on Monday and Thursday or give Thaisio a call you will love it!!